Types of Prototype Boards and Breadboard
Tag Board or Terminal Strips were the first General Purpose Boards for Electronic Prototyping. This was also the way some modules in Valve Radios and Early Televisions were manufactured. The Turret Board that still remains in use can be seen as an example of Point to Point Wiring. \
![](file-guid:5356f048-af59-4968-b360-3511403fef4e "Turret-Board.jpg")
These are useful to place Heating Parts, High Voltage or High Energy Circuits and Sometimes RF Assemblies too.
BreadBoard - Is also a word to indicate the Prototyping Work or Act.\
This is a reusable gadget like a connector, works like an IC base, only that the connectors in this are very long lasting. \
You can just plug in the components and connect using thick pre-tinned single strand wire. Big pins can ruin the sockets and powercircuits. Levels > 200mA or > 24V could be avoided on these boards.\
![](file-guid:87ca4144-e65c-4729-80ee-dab1be11a2db "prototyping2Bboards.jpg")\
General Purpose PCB - Perfboard, Stripboard, Veroboard.\
This is a PCB known as "General Purpose Prototyping Board". They have to be soldered and some tracks cut with tool-knife. Power circuits also can be built with wire reinforcements and RF circuits too if you plan the layout first on paper. The one with the "Breadboard" layout with a Power bus is most popular. Some for IC circuits are also available,\
Wire Wrapping\
This is way Custom Equipment, Systems and Advanced Boards are made. When a customer orders a system, just one of a kind. This can be used to prototype and even manufacture a couple of systems.